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Banjir Tiga Kelurahan di Jaktim Surut
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City Continues to Optimize Flood Handling

At 9 AM, only 0.58 percent of the RW area is flooded from a total of 2,738 RWs in Jakarta

The Jakarta Provincial Government continues to optimize the handling of flooding in streets and residential areas.

Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Head Sebejo said, based on the data until 9 AM, there is one street in North Jakarta that cannot be passed by vehicles.

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"That street is Jalan Raya Babek, Rorotan Urban Village, which is still flooded up to 50 cm high. Similar condition is also spotted on Jalan Sungai Brantas and Jalan Rugu SMP 231 with water level about 25 cm yet it can already be passed," he expressed, Monday (2/24).

As for the settlements that are flooded, such as in 14 RTs and 11 RWs (North Jakarta) and in 26 RTs out of 5 RWs (East Jakarta).

"At 9 AM, only 0.58 percent of the RW area is flooded from a total of 2,738 RWs in Jakarta," he explained.

Jakarta BPBD Pusdatin Head Muhammad Insaf explained aid for flood victims have been conducted, starting from evacuation until basic needs distribution.

"Besides food, we also send them blankets, clothes, mineral water, pampers, pads, rice, mattresses and instant noodles," he stated.

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